![Cover image for Hello World](https://i.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExcHloNDZjbTZyaGloeWhlZ2c2c3Y0ODl0NmJvNHV1ZjR1a2VyNXNqaSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/3PAL5bChWnak0WJ32x/giphy.gif)
Hello World
Yes, I’ve started another blog. Again.
I used to have a WordPress blog on aydgn.net from 2011 to 2018, where I wrote about… well, nothing in particular. I didn’t have a specific topic to focus on, so I simply shared whatever was on my mind at the moment. Surprisingly, the things I wrote were liked by random people, and my blog used to attract hundreds of readers each month. However, with university and other responsibilities, life got busy, and I lost interest. Later on, I even forgot to renew my domain, and that blog ended up in the internet’s junkyard.
After 2018, things changed. And here we are, a new blog on a new domain. This time, I have a clear focus. My never-ending urge to share knowledge motivated me to create this blog. I want to share what I’ve learned. While this blog will feature a variety of content about web development in general, I’ll primarily focus on front-end development. I haven’t fully planned out the concept yet, but creating this blog feels like a good start, doesn’t it?
Now, I’m facing a dilemma. I want to continue writing this blog in English. This way, my content can reach a global audience. On the other hand, I also want to contribute something to the Turkish developer community. I want to help newcomers who face language barriers in this field. I chose to write in English partly because I feel my English skills are deteriorating since I don’t use the language daily. While I read English articles almost every day and watch English YouTube content, these activities only involve consuming English. I rarely speak or write because I don’t have a strong reason to do so. Writing an English blog can sharpen my language skills. However, I also want to create Turkish content. That’s the decision I need to make next.
Since it’s 2024, this blog has nothing to do with WordPress. Back in the day, when my knowledge of web development was limited, running a blog with WordPress was incredibly easy. But today, I have no reason to use WordPress anymore. I built this blog using Astro. The content is written in Markdown, and I use GitHub to store it. The blog is hosted on Cloudflare Pages. Each blog post is generated statically in the cloud. The cost to run this blog is literally zero—at least for now.
That’s all for now. If you’ve read this far, thank you for your interest. I’ll be posting more soon. Stay tuned!